Sunday, January 25, 2009

Seeking Recommendations and Volunteers

We are looking for people who are technologically savvy to help out. We need advice on the right venue for the members of CGWLA to communicate with each other about topics of interest. Chat rooms, bulletin boards, this blog, the website, a "forum", a Facebook page, or something else....what is the right venue for this?

In addition to the website, which will post information that the general public can view, we are thinking it would be best to have a place that is restricted to those that sign in (CG women only, probably), although everything is up for discussion at this point. We would like to have several topics up on the site, with people able to post comments on the various topics. Any thoughts on the best place for this would be appreciated. We would like a site that requires minimal maintenance/intervention on our part, as we are all busy, but rather is a place for a fairly free-flowing discussion among interested group members.

Second, we are looking for a few volunteers who have experience with this sort of thing to help us with the site management.

Please contact LCDR Roxanne Tamez if you are interested in volunteering or if you have ideas. Or, post a comment to this blog!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Looking forward to all of the new developments. Thank you for your time in ramping up the CGWLA!

  3. I am excited to finally see an organization to help women in the CG. I cannot tell you how many times I have needed something like this. I am not an IT tech person, but I am willing to be a mentor for women who are pregnant. I have one child and one on the way. I know what its like to be expecting in the CG. I have been two rates and worked with mostly all men both times.

  4. Thank you for your interest - if you would like your name to be added on the website to a list of women who have pregnancy advice, please e-mail your name to CDR Heather Hanson or LCDR Roxanne Tamez. Thanks again!

  5. NavyWomen eMentor Leadership Program

    The Navy’s Office of Women’s Policy has partnered with AcademyWomen to create an eMentoring program that will ensure ALL uniformed U.S. Navy women have the opportunity to benefit from a mentor who shares their common history.

    The NavyWomen eMentor Leadership Program is a web-based mentoring program that will support the personal and professional development of Navy women. The program brings together Regular Active Duty and Reserve Navy women officers, NCOs, enlisted, officers-in-training and veterans (veterans can only be Mentors and must have separated in 2004 or later) to the pool of participants; therefore enhancing the perspective and insight to mentees within the program. Participants will be able to access this diverse group of women, with ranks ranging from admirals to seaman recruits, with a broad range of functional areas of expertise.

  6. Has anyone seen the Coast Guard discussions forum on It is a list of topics on everything from rates and ranks to SAR, L/E, politics, travel and general discussions. That could be good for the CGWLA website, but instead we could have the topics that are important to us. Plus a chat room and bulletin board would viable for anyone who prefers those to the forum. To login should be as easy as it is on here or Facebook. Does anyone know of an IT who could help us?

    I'm single w/o dependents so I cannot relate to pregnancy or collocation in the CG, but I was the only female in CIC on a 378' for two years. So I've got some sea stories on that topic.
    Well, I'm off to attend an All Hands, so everyone have a good day!

  7. Unofficial CG blogs are appearing at Internet URLs such as: , , , , etc.

    And of course there is always

    Please protect your identity.
    From Bangor Daily News: Rear Admiral Landry victim of Identity Theft.

    The trial of a Bangor woman accused of stealing the identity of the highest-ranking woman in the U.S. Coast Guard and getting credit cards in her name got under way Monday in U.S. District Court with testimony from the victim.

    Mary L. Landry, 43, pleaded not guilty in October to three counts each of aggravated identity theft and wire fraud, two counts of Social Security fraud and fraud in connection with access devices.

    The real ADM is Mary "E" not Mary L!!!

  8. National Wear Red Day is Friday, February 6, 2009.....and February is "Healthy Heart Month"

    Millions will help spread the critical message that "Heart Disease Doesn't Care What You Wear–It's the #1 Killer of Women"

    Everyone can support the fight against heart disease in women by wearing red. It's a simple, powerful way to raise awareness of heart disease and stroke.

    For more info ask your district's HPM or command's UHPC.

    Visit or NEHC at

  9. FORCECOM now has a blog at

    iFORCECOM: Your Window To The FORCECOM World
    iFORCECOM is the website of the United States Coast Guard Force Readiness Command, which is part of the Modernization Effort.

    The Force Readiness Command (FORCECOM) will become the Coast Guard's first command solely responsible for preparing forces to perform missions and execute them properly.

    FORCECOM will be charged with the current and future readiness of the Coast Guard's workforce -- Active Duty, Reserve, Auxiliary, Civilian and Contractor -- to ensure they will be ready when called to execute their missions.
