Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wet Paint?

Okay, folks, someone has suggested we use something called "Wet Paint". (see www.wetpaint.com) It looks like it has great capabilities, and might be what we are looking for. Anyone have good or bad experiences with this? Thoughts or comments? Thanks!


  1. Hi Necia -

    My name is Devin and I actually work at Wetpaint on the marketing team. I thought I'd forward you on to our Community Manager who can really help with the benefits of a Wetpaint site.

    If you have an idea of what you'd like to use the site for Michael is definitely the man to talk to!

    Michael is at Michael@wetpaint.com

    I'm at Dhughes@wetpaint.com

    Thanks, and good luck!

  2. What is the purpose of your social media?

    Considerations: (1) waiting for CG-092S, CG-0922, and CG-6 to post blog/social media policy, (2) site

    accessibility from work (google blogspot), home only since blocked at work (URL denied), (3) crossposting for

    advocacy and increased traffic, (4) more unofficial CG blogs using stretch denim template, (5) appearance of

    professionalism (other hosted blogs)

    Guidance from other gov orgs:

    webcontent.gov at http://www.usa.gov/webcontent/technology/other_tech.shtml

    usa.gov at http://www.usa.gov/Topics/Multimedia.shtml

    The Annenberg Center for Communication at USC has a comparison of most used blogging tools in gov at


    Google Sites offers free websites without ads at http://sites.google.com

    The blog at govLoop provides a lot of insights.

  3. Thanks for that very thorough and interesting post, anonymous!

  4. FYI Wet paint is blocked from most CG workstations
